Digitaria abludens
Annual. Culms small tufted, erect to geniculately adscending to erect, not rooting at nodes, up to 75 cm high. Sheaths loosely glabrous, 2.5–5 cm long, margin hairy. Ligules membranous, 1.4–1.6 mm long, erose. Blades linear, 4–12 cm by 2–3 mm, margin entire; both surfaces glabrous. Inflorescences composed of racemes; main axis 0.5–5 cm long. Racemes 3–10, alternate or whorled; longest raceme 6–12 cm long. Rachis triquetrous, ca. 0.2 mm wide, margin serrate. Spikelets binate and ternate, homomorphous, elliptic, 1.3–1.6 mm long; hairs smooth with capitate apex. Pedicels triquetrous, serrulate; abscission discoid. Lower glume absent. Upper glume elliptic, 1.2–1.3 mm long, apex acute, 3-nerved. Lower floret neuter; lemma membranous, 1.2–1.4 mm long, apex obtuse, pubescent throughout, nerves equidistant, 7-nerved; palea reduced to a triangle-scale, ca. 0.15 mm long. Upper floret as long as the spikelet, brownish when mature, protruding the lower lemma, often with pale apex; lemma chartaceous; palea similar to lemma but slightly shorter. Lodicules truncate, ca. 0.2 mm long. Anthers 0.4–0.7 mm long. Caryopsis ellipsoid, ca. 1 mm long, brown.